Public sharps containers installed on the streets of Copenhagen.
Monterey Bay
On a whim, we decided to drive to Monterey on the Friday of the 4th of July weekend. 4 hours later…we saw some nice views.
We drove through Salinas in an attempt to avoid traffic into Monterey, the activity in all the agricultural fields was really impressive. You could feel the churn and scale of this food system that feeds the country. Much different from the activity you see in the corn and soybean fields of the Midwest.
Ocean Beach mental massage
Sunday night hike to Corona Heights
Aquatic Park Speaker Tower
Deutsche Post Utility Bicycle
Barcelona Street Cleaning Operations
Finally posting some of the pictures I took during our 2014 Barcelona trip. Barcelona Medi-Ambient crews use a variety of different vehicles to tackle narrow streets. Barcelona doesn’t seem to use bins for regular garbage pickup, instead garbage is piled outside of residences and businesses during pick up days. The streets were in great condition, the city seems to dedicate a lot of resources to staffing.