Barcelona Street Cleaning Operations
Finally posting some of the pictures I took during our 2014 Barcelona trip. Barcelona Medi-Ambient crews use a variety of different vehicles to tackle narrow streets. Barcelona doesn’t seem to use bins for regular garbage pickup, instead garbage is piled outside of residences and businesses during pick up days. The streets were in great condition, the city seems to dedicate a lot of resources to staffing.

Berlin Trash Receptacle
End of the line
Mt. Tam
Oregon coast hiking
Fog of Honor
PDX Green
Reading List
I highly recommend this book to anyone involved with public administration, civil service, or for anyone seeking a little context as to why our systems operate the way they do; for better or worse. My planning education emphasized more planning and city design, so this book has been helpful in providing background knowledge into public administration, political science, and history. Despite its page count, it is a quick and easy read. The chapters are laid out in a very concise way and the author provides clear guides to the arguments and points being made in each section. It’s a fascinating book that illustrates the various factors that influence the way states form and modernize.